Encouraging and Equipping Women
We are committed to encouraging and equipping women to know God, love God, and live for the glory of God. At Redeemer, there are many opportunities for women to study the Word of God together. Women's Discipleship Groups, and Moms Study Group meet weekly, and a variety of women's events are scheduled throughout the year. Check out our calendar to join a group, or sign up for one of our events.
Get Connected. Grow Deeper.
Women's Discipleship Groups
Various Days and Locations
Located throughout the Elk Grove and Sacramento surrounding areas. To find the address and other details, check out our calendar. We would love to have you join a Women's Discipleship group!
Moms and Kids Study Group
Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm
Moms who strive to be women of the word, to live on mission and to lay down our lives for our family joyfully.
During group, we will dig into scripture and spend time in prayer. May we encourage each other to die to self in the daily challenges of motherhood while being grounded on the word of the Lord.
During group, we will dig into scripture and spend time in prayer. May we encourage each other to die to self in the daily challenges of motherhood while being grounded on the word of the Lord.
For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.
John 1:16