How It All Started
Redeemer Bible Church has existed for many years in the South Sacramento & Elk Grove Community. The brief history is that 70+ years ago, there was a church called Sacramento Bible Church that moved to Meadowview. In the 1950s, Meadowview Bible Church was born. This church faithfully brought Jesus to their community for over 50 years. Then in the mid 2000s, the church moved to Elk Grove and became Elk Grove Bible Church. After moving around Elk Grove for several years, Elk Grove Bible Church landed at 3101 Dwight Rd in 2014. In 2015, the Lord began raising up a faithful team of pastor-elders to lead and shepherd Elk Grove Bible Church. Ultimately, this led to Pastor Justin coming on staff full-time in the fall of 2017.

Expanding The Vision
Over the next 5 years, the Lord continued to work in mighty ways. As the Word was proclaimed, the Lord truly built His Church. People were coming to know Jesus and growing in their walk with Jesus. The church was increasing in their love for one another and for the community. We purchased our building and paid it off. Then in 2022, we finished a complete interior remodel of our facility so that we could better make disciples. Throughout these years we launched Home Groups for the sake of life-on-life discipleship and genuinely loving one another. We have developed a Biblical Counseling ministry to help real people with real problems according to the Word of God. We have begun a Young Adults Group to care for the young singles in the Church. There is a vibrant Student Ministry caring for junior & senior high students and their families. There are discipleship groups and Bible studies happening for men and women. Simply put, the Church is functioning as a faith family that is built on grace & truth!
Where We Are Headed
Then, in the fall of 2021, River Ridge Neighborhood Church began conversations with Elk Grove Bible Church about merging. RRNC began over 25 years ago in the Elk Grove area with a commitment to make disciples who would love and live for Jesus. On Easter Sunday of 2022, River Ridge Neighborhood Church officially merged into Elk Grove Bible Church. We believed that we could do more for the glory of God together than apart. Now we are one church family striving together for the glory of God and the gospel-good of those in our community.

Be A Part Of Our Story
All this has led the pastor-elders of Elk Grove Bible Church to prayerfully consider changing the name of EGBC to Redeemer Bible Church, which we did in 2022. Redeemer captures our commitment to God’s gospel story to rescue and redeem all who will repent and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Bible declares our commitment to God's Word as vital for knowing God and living for God. Church simply means that we want to hold fast being a local, set-apart assembly of the people of God.
Join Us This Sunday
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:00 am and 11:00 am.