Redeemer Bible Church is committed to joyfully following Jesus together. We strive to be a life-giving community where everyone is welcome because of Jesus. We desire for all who worship with us to know the love of God and hear the truth of God’s Word proclaimed. Join us for a worship gathering on Sunday morning or gather in a Home Group throughout the week!
When We Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:00 am and 11:00am
What to Expect
Worship Through Song
At Redeemer Bible Church we prioritize the corporate worship of God’s people. Which means we are committed to theological-rich, congregationally-accessible worship through song. The Word of God commands the church to sing to and with one another. We love to hear one another make a joyful noise unto the Lord, so all of our worship is focused on the congregation actually worshiping.
Worship Through Preaching
At Redeemer Bible Church we believe that the preaching of God's Word shapes everything else we do as a church. Therefore, we unashamedly preach the Word. RBC is committed to the expositional preaching of God's Word, which means that we teach through books of the Bible. Our great desire is to understand the Word of God, so that we can know God and live for God.