- How were you encouraged to love Jesus and live for Him from 2 Corinthians 5:1-10?
- Pastor Justin summed up the main argument of v. 1-10 with - faith produces a courageous longing for heaven with an ambition to please God along the way. How did this help you understand the flow of the text and connect the dots?
- What kind of suffering is Paul primarily addressing in 2 Corinthians? What is God's good intention for all truly Christian suffering?
- What does it mean to walk by faith and not by sight? In what ways is God pressing you to actually walk by faith?
- What is the aim of all Christian ambition? What Godly ambitions is God working in your heart/life?
- Get real - what does it mean to please God?
- How is Christ our Judge meant to encourage/motivate our ambition to pleasing God? What kind of judgement is this for the Christian?