When Paul wrote to the church in Philippi he said this - only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ (1:27). Our longing is the same, that each and every follower of Jesus at Redeemer Bible Church would walk worthy of the gospel. And so we are launching a Gospel Growth Hour — practical equipping from the Word of God on Sunday mornings in Room 1. During both our 9AM and 11AM Worship Gatherings, there will be different electives taking place in Room 1 designed to equip and encourage you to better walk with God by faith.
9:00 AM
Working Out a Gospel Centered Marriage
Pastor’s Josh and Justin
Ever since Adam & Eve chose to rebel against God and sin entered the human experience, the covenant of marriage has been profoundly affected by sin. Because of our sinful affections and selfish actions, the covenant of marriage drifts towards twoness not oneness. Beginning on May 5th at 9AM, Pastors Josh andJustin will be teaching an elective on how the gospel speaks directly into the problems that plague our marriages in the flesh (when we are not walking in glad-hearted submission the Spirit of God). If your marriage is going well (you think) or if you're not convinced your marriage can be salvaged, sign up for Gospel Centered Marriage (beginning on May 5th at 9AM).
11:00 AM
Dominating Sins and Living by Faith
Pastor Eric
At Redeemer Bible we believe that God has given us everything needed for life and godliness. No battle with sin is too significant for gospel power to overcome. Beginning on May 5th at 11AM, Pastor Eric will begin a class on living the sanctified life by faith, helping you better understand your heart and the process of biblical change. In this Gospel Growth Hour, Pastor Eric will be addressing a variety of life dominating sins and the heart that causes them: fear, anxiety, worry, addiction (drugs, alcohol, pills, sex, pornography, etc.), deception, anger, and the like. If you have been discouraged in your Christian experience or if a particular sin has caused you to stumble time and time again. Sign up for Life Dominating Sins & Living by Faith (beginning on May 5th at 11AM)!
"Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ"
Philippians 1:27

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to register for all 6 weeks?
Yes. Due to space limitations, we expect both Gospel Growth Hours to fill up fast. It is normal to miss due to sickness, but if you know you are unable to come to 50% of the classes, please wait to sign up until next time.
Do I need to register for the class?
Yes. Due to space limitations, we need you to sign up for class.
Will there be homework?
No. However, if you want to receive maximum benefit from each class, those teaching may reference books or articles that you might find helpful as you strive to renew your mind and walk by faith.
Where will the classes be held?
All Gospel Growth Hour electives will be held in Room 1.
Will the classes be recorded?
Is there a minimum age requirement?
Audio recordings of each class will be made available.
No. But the content of each class will be geared towards adults.
What materials will be needed for the classes?
Have more questions?
A bible and a notebook.
If you have additional questions about the Gospel Growth Hour Classes, do not hesitate to reach out to the church. We will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. For schedule, times, and more class information, please visit the Redeemer Gospel Growth Hour Calendar.